» » № 184. The 50th anniversary of the accession of the republic of Tuva in Russia.

№ 184. The 50th anniversary of the accession of the republic of Tuva in Russia.


Painter – Zaytsev L.

Stamps per sheet: 50 (10x5 stamps).
Paper - coated; manufacturing process - deep; perforation - frame 11½ x 12.

The historical name of Tuva - Uryankhaisky region. The territory was called so in the 19th-early 20th cc. The name Tuva appeared in 1921, when the republic of Tuva was proclaimed. Nowadays the republic is included in th Russian Federation. The capital of Tuva - Kyzyl is situated at the juncture of the Bolshoi and Maliy Yenisei. The geographical centre of Asia is situated here. The stamp features an obelisk "The Centre of Asia" created by V.F.Demin and V.P.Bazhin in 1964. The stamp also features the anniversary symbol formed by national Flags of the Russian Federation and the republic of Tuva and the national Tuva ornament.

Face value Size Description Price, mint Price, used Quantity
125.00 26×37 An obelisk "The Centre of Asia" in Kyzyl.
125.00 25.00 600000

Russian Federation : The Republic of Tuva
Culture and art : Monuments, sculpture

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