» » № 1633. The 200th anniversary of Fort Ross

№ 1633. The 200th anniversary of Fort Ross


Artist –

[оформление полей марочного листа] – Yakovlev A.

Fort Ross is a historic park in California (USA), which includes former Russian settlement and wooden fortress. It was the idea of chief manager for the influential Russian-American Company A.A. Baranov to found it. The new settlement was to be the main food base for the Russian settlements in Alaska. Stockade, corner towers, warehouses and timber houses were built there. Later the first windmills in California and the shipyard, as well as brick and tannery, blacksmith, stables, carpentry, plumbing and shoemakers, a dairy farm were built. Nearby the fort settlers established kitchen gardens, orchards and vineyards. In the 1820-s, Trinity Church was opened.

The stamp depicts a panorama of Fort Ross of the first half of the XIX century.

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Офсет Мелованная Многокрасочная Гребенчатая 12:12 ½ 58х26 423 000



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