» » № 1429-1432. Culture of peoples of Russia. Headdresses of the Republic of Tatarstan.

№ 1429-1432. Culture of peoples of Russia. Headdresses of the Republic of Tatarstan.


[Design] – Betredinova K.

Printing technique: offsetprint
Colour: multicolour
Chalk paper
Perforation: comb 11 ½ х12
Size of stamp: 37x50 mm
Size of sheet: 176х179 mm
Size of mini sheet: 176х161 mm
Circulation: 440 thousand of each stamp (40 thousand sheets of each subject), 85 thousand mini sheets
Amount in sheet: 11 stamps+ coupon
Amount in mini sheet: 8 (4х2) stamps

The maiden kalfak of Kazan Tatars of the first half of the XIX century. The traditional headdress of unmarried girls. It is sewed from a silk knitted fabric and decorated with chenille embroidery. The headdress is edged with a deep gold fringe; the upper part is crowned with a big braid brush. The ornament is made in the traditional flower-floral character.

Size Description Quantity Price for mint Price for cancelled
1429 37х50 девичий калфак. 1-я половина XIX в.
440000 11.00

№ 1430

The woman's headdress of the Kazan Tatars "kattashi" of the end of the XIX century and the beginning of the XX century. It is a velvet hat with a silk lining. Headband is decorated with white beading. Before the exit to the street, woman put the headscarf or shawl on the headdress.

Size Description Quantity Price for mint Price for cancelled
1430 37х50 женская шапочка-катташи. Конец XIX – начало XX в.
440000 11.00

№ 1431

Headdress of an elderly woman "kamchat burek" of the end of the XIX century. Round velvet cap, edged with fur of beaver and a strip of lace, is decorated with a brush of tinsel threads. The Kazan Tatars wore such headdress over the embroidered calico veil "orpek".

Size Description Quantity Price for mint Price for cancelled
1431 37х50 камчат бурек пожилой женщины. Конец XIX в.
440000 11.00

№ 1432

Kazan Tartars’ skullcap of the end of the XIX century and the beginnings of the XX century. The lower or house male headdress. The velvet hat of the cylindrical form has a silk lining and is finished with orris and gilded spangles.

Size Description Quantity Price for mint Price for cancelled
1432 37х50 мужская тюбетейка. Конец XIX – начало XX в.
440000 11.00






             Тираж малого листа: 85000

Historical and geographical factors have made conditions for the location of Tatarstan on the junction of two large civilizations: Eastern and Western. With the occupation of Kazan in 1552 by troops of Ivan the Terrible the extensive penetration of Russian culture begins in the region. The result of cooperation of two civilizations was the birth of the unique cultural diversity of the modern Republic of Tatarstan, which was reflected in the decorative and applied art of the republic.


Culture and art : Fine arts

Culture of Russian peoples. Headdresses of the Republic of Tatarstan.
Special cancellation marks:

Souvenir packs in cover:
Souvenir pack "Culture of peoples of Russia. Headdresses of the Republic of Tatarstan".
Culture of the peoples of Russia. Headdresses of Russian

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