» » № 1444-1447. Architectural constructions. Bridges.

№ 1444-1447. Architectural constructions. Bridges.


Artist – Moscovets A.

Printing technique: offsetprint
Colour: multicolour
Chalk paper
Perforation: comb 12:12 ½
Size of stamps: 58х26,5mm, illustrated field: 58,5х21,5 mm
Size of sheet: 180х202 mm
Size of mini sheet: 180х136 mm
Circulation: 360 thousand stamps of each subject (30 thousand sheets of each subject), 90 thousand mini sheets

Amount in sheet:  12 stamps 

Amount in mini sheet:  8 (4х2) stamps 

The next issue of the series “Architectural constructions. Bridges” is devoted to the girder bridges. Bridges with frameworks, the main load-carrying structures of which are beams or girders, are the most widespread in a modern bridge building. They are used in complex road interchanges. Distinctive feature of the girder system is that only vertical loads are transferred from the bridge superstructures to the piers and horizontal one are absent. Load transfer is carried out by a flexural element of a construction. Bridge structure depends on the size of overlapping of superstructures, the load on the bridge and the intensity of movement.
The stamps depict:
1. Jubilee Bridge over the river Volga in Yaroslavl
2. The bridge across the Moscow canal in the village Khlebnikovo Moscow region
3. Viaduct over the valley of the river Matsesta in Sochi
4. The bridge across the Kola Bay in Murmansk.

№ 1444

Printing technique: offsetprint
Colour: multicolour
Chalk paper
Perforation: comb 12:12 ½
Size of stamps: 58х26,5mm, illustrated field: 58,5х21,5 mm
Size of sheet: 180х202 mm
Size of mini sheet: 180х136 mm
Circulation: 360 thousand stamps of each subject (30 thousand sheets of each subject), 90 thousand mini sheets
Amount in sheet:  12 stamps 
Amount in mini sheet:  8 (4х2) stamps 

Размер Описание Тираж Цена чистых Цена гашеных
1444 58х26,5 Юбилейный мост через реку Волгу в Ярославле
360000 9.00

№ 1445

№ 1446

№ 1447





Culture and art : Architecture

Architectural constructons. Bridges.
Architectural constructions. Bridges.
Special cancellation marks:

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