» » № 1452. Year of the Teacher - 2010.

№ 1452. Year of the Teacher - 2010.


[Design] –

Printing technique: offsetprint + cutting
Colour: multicolour
Chalk paper
Perforation: 10; format of dotted perforation around stamp: 44x44mm; around sheet: 132x132 mm
Size of stamp: 37х37 mm
Size of sheet: 152,4х152,4 mm
Circulation: 288 thousand stamps (32 thousand sheets)
Amount in sheet:  9 (3x3) stamps 

2010 year has been declared the Year of the Teacher in Russia. The aim of the project is to develop creative and professional potential of teachers, as well as to enhance the social prestige of the teaching profession.
The stamp depicts the official emblem of the "Year of the Teacher - 2010", which was determined on a competitive basis. Socially-professional jury found the best work of Anna Shcherbakova, a designer from Novosibirsk, a member of the Russian Union of Designers.
The emblem depicts the open palms of the teacher letting out the fledged nestlings (her pupils) into the big life.


Размер Описание Тираж Цена чистых Цена гашеных
1452 37х37 официальная эмблема "Год учителя - 2010"
288000 10.50


The Teacher's Day

Year of the Teacher - 2010.
Special cancellation marks:

Souvenir packs in cover:
Souvenir pack "Year of the Teacher - 2010".

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