» » № 1453 . All-Russian population census - 2010.

№ 1453 . All-Russian population census - 2010.


[Design] – Betredinova K.

Printing technique: offsetprint + cutting
Colour: dark blue + dark red
Self-adhesive paper
Perforation (cutting): 10; around the stamp: 44x44mm; around the sheet: 132x132 mm
Size of stamp: 37х37 mm
Size of sheet: 152,4х152,4 mm
Circulation: 495 thousand stamps (55 thousand sheets)
Amount in sheet:  9(3x3) stamps

This year, the next population census will be held in Russia from 14 to 25 October. It will become part of the 2010 World Population and Housing Census Programme which was adopted by the United Nations Economic and Social Council.
All-Russian population census is organized at least once every ten years. The aim of it is to provide objective data on socio-demographic, economic and national characteristics of the population.
The stamp depicts the emblem of the All-Russian population census.

Размер Описание Тираж Цена чистых Цена гашеных
1453 37х37 эмблема Всероссийской переписи населения
темно-синяя + темно-красная
495000 12.00


History : Historical events and dates

All-Russian population census - 2010.
Special cancellation marks:

скачать dle 12.0
25-01-2018, 19:03 589 0
