» » № 260. Nobel Prize winners. N.N.Semyonov.

№ 260. Nobel Prize winners. N.N.Semyonov.


Painter – Artsymenev Y.

Stamps per sheet: 36 (6x6 stamps).
Paper - coated; manufacturing process - offset; perforation - comb 12½ x 12.

The stamp features the portrait of Nikolai N.Semyonov (1896-1986), a Russian scientist, physicist and physico-chemist, Academician (since 1932). N.N.Semyonov created the general theory of chain reactions, developed the theory of thermal explosion of gas mixtures. Laureate of the Lenin (1976) and the State (1941, 1949) prizes. Awarded the Lomonosov Golden Medal (1970). 1956 Nobel Laureate in chemistry for researches into the mechanism of chemical reactions (together with Sir C.Hinshelwood).

Face value Size Description Price, mint Price, used Quantity
750.00 23×40 The portrait of Nikolai N.Semyonov (1896-1986), a Russian scientist.
750.00 0.00 500000

History : The Nobel prizemen

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