» » № 593-604. Russia. XX century. Science.

№ 593-604. Russia. XX century. Science.


Painter – Fedulov A.

Stamps per sheet: 12 (3x4 stamps).
Paper - coated; manufacturing process - offset; perforation - comb 12½ x 12.
The margins of the sheetlet feature the fragments of the pictures featured on the stamps.
Sheet print quantity - 300000.

593 594 595
596 597 598
599 600 601
602 603 604

Face value Size Description Price, mint Price, used
593 1.30 42×30 Observation of the ferromagnetic resonance. V.K.Arkadyev. 1913. V.K.Arkadyev (1884-1953) was a physicist, an associate of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (from 1927). He was the author of the seminal works on the magnetodynamics. The scientist detected the ferromagnetic resonance for the first time in 1913. This phenomenon is a form of the valved magnetic resonance, on which various devices with ultrahigh frequency are based: resonance faucets, filters, parametric amplifiers, mixers, power governors. In all these devices the ferromagnetic resonance is used. The stamp features the picture of V.K.Arkadyev and the oscillogram of the ferromagnetic resonance. multicolor 1.30 0.42
594 1.30 42×30 The principle of the homologous series in autogenous variation of organisms. N.I.Vavilov. 1920. N.I.Vavilov (1887-1943) - a biologist, an academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (from 1929), the first president of the All-Union Academy of agricultural sciences (from 1929). The originator of the doctrine about the biological foundations of the selection and about the centres of origin of cultivars. The principle of the homologous series in autogenous variation of organisms was detected by N.I.Vavilov in 1920. The principle sets the parallelism in the variation of consanguine groups of organisms. The stamp features the portrait of N.I.Vavilov and a picture reflecting the parallel variation of the barbateness of an ear. multicolor 1.30 0.42
595 1.30 42×30 Moscow Mathematical school. N.N.Luzin. The 1920's - 1930's. N.N.Luzin (1883-1950) - a mathematician, a constitutor of the scientific school of function theory, an academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (from 1929). The main works of the scientist are devoted to the function of real variable theory. Some of his works are devoted to mathematical analysis, differential equations and differential geometry. The works by Luzin and his learners in the function of real variable theory made a fundamental contribution in the development of this partition of the mathematics. The stamp features the portrait of N.N.Luzin, number series and mathmatical symbols. multicolor 1.30 0.42
596 1.75 42×30 The idea of phonons. I.Ye.Tamm. I.Ye.Tamm (1895-1971), a physicist, an academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (from 1953). The main works are devoted to the atomics, radiation theory, solid-state physics, elementary particles physics and controlled thermonuclear fusion physics. One of authors of the creation of P.A.Cherenkov's radiation theory, which was honoured with the Nobel prize in the physics in 1958. The idea of thermal oscillation of atoms as a set of quasi-particles, which were called the phonons, was held forth by I.Ye.Tamm in 1929. The idea of the phonons is widely used in the solid-state physics. The stamp features the portrait of I.Ye.Tamm and a schematic image of a crystal. multicolor 1.75 0.48
597 1.75 42×30 The discovery of the superfluidity of helium. P.L.Kapitsa. 1938. P.L.Kapitsa (1894-1984), a physicist, an academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (from 1939). One of the originators of the cryophysics and strong magnetic fields physics. A laureate of the Nobel prize in the physics (1978). P.L.Kapitsa detected the superfluidity of helium in 1938 (the National prize, 1943). The stamp features the portrait of P.L.Kapitsa and the devices developed by the scientist for his experiments in which the superfluidity of helium was detected. multicolor 1.75 0.48
598 1.75 42×30 The chain chemical reactions theory. N.N.Semyonov. 1934. N.N.Semyonov (1896-1986), a chemist, one of the originators of the chemical physics, the originator of the scientific school, an academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (from 1932), the laureate of the Nobel prize in chemistry (1956). The total quantitative chain chemical reactions theory was created by N.N.Semyonov in 1934. The idea of the chain reactions, developed by the scientist, is the basis of various high technologies using the incineration of gas mixtures. The idea was also used for the description of the nuclear reaction. The stamp features the portrait of N.N.Semyonov and the scheme of a chain reaction. multicolor 1.75 0.48
599 2.00 42×30 The autophasing of charged particles in accelerators. V.I.Veksler. 1944-1945. V.I.Veksler (1907-1966), a physicist, an academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (from 1958). The author of the fundamental works and the originator of the scientific school of the physics and the accelerators of charged particles technique. Under the guidance of V.I.Veksler the first accelerators in Russia were created - the synchrotron (1947) and the synchrophasotron (1957). The scientist detected the autophasing of charged particles in accelerators in 1944-1945. The stamp features the portrait of V.I.Veksler and the images of the ultimate particles tracks, the symbol of the high-energy physics. multicolor 2.00 0.50
600 2.00 42×30 Transcript of written Maya. The middle of the 1950's. Yu.V.Knorozov (1922-1999) - an ethnographer, a philologist. His researches are devoted to the ethnography of Cenral America and the study of the ancient systems of the written language, especially Maya. Written Maya is known due to the records of the first centuries A.D. Yu.V.Knorozov discovered a lot of phonetic symbols denoting syllables and their parts among the Maya characters. The stamp features the syllable characters of written Maya and a detail of the architectural decor from a Maya town Ushmal (10th-12th centuries). multicolor 2.00 0.50
601 2.00 42×30 The detection of the pogonophors. A.V.Ivanov. 1955-1957. A.V.Ivanov (1906-1992), a zoologist, an academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (from 1981). The author of the works on morphology, embryology and evolution of invertebrates. Pogonophors were detected by A.V.Ivanov while he was studying the zoological collections received in his investigation of the ocean deeps in the Far East seas. It was stated that the pogonophors are a new type of invertebrates. These threadlike marine invertebrates live in deep water. They can be from some centimetres to a metre and a half long. The stamp features a portrait of A.V.Ivanov, the pictures of a pogonophor and the back (aristate) part of its body, which is segmented inside by the diaphragms (section). multicolor 2.00 0.50
602 3.00 42×30 Photography of the reverse side of the Moon. "Luna-3". 4.10.1959. The series of the unmanned interplanetary station "Luna" was created for the research of the Moon and the space. "Lune-3" was fired on October 4 1959. The reverse side of the Moon was photographed from its board. The station's flight was the first experiment of the study of another heavenly body with the image transmission from the board of a spacecraft. The stamp features the line of flight of "Luna-3", the moment of the photography of the reverse side of the Moon. multicolor 3.00 0.60
603 3.00 42×30 Basics of the quantum electronics. N.G.Basov, A.M.Prokhorov. The beginning of the 1960's. N.G.Basov (born in 1922) - a physicist, an academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (from 1966). The author of the works on semiconductor quantum generators, quantum frequency standards, power pulse theory of solid lasers. A.M. Prokhorov (born in 1916) - a physicist, an academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (from 1966). The author of the works on open resonators, gas-dynamic and solid quantum generators, non-linear optics. In 1964 N.G.Basov and A.M.Prokhorov were handed the Nobel prize in the physics for the fundamental woks in the quantum electronics which led to the creation of the first generators and amplifiers of a new type - masers and lasers. The stamp features the details of a quantum generator, the image of optical fields and the scheme of the quantum system levels. multicolor 3.00 0.60
604 3.00 42×30 Ethnolinguistic dictionary "Slavonic Antiquities". N.I.Tolstoy. 1995. N.I.Tolstoy (1923-1996) – a philologist-slavicist, an academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (from 1987). N.I.Tolstoy created the ethnolinguistic scientific schoool concerned with the interplay of lingual, ethnocultural and ethnopsychological factors in language activity and evolution. The author of the works on Slavonic literary language history, the Slavs's spiritual culture. N.I.Tolstoy compiled a five-volume dictionary "Slavonic Antiquities". The first volume of the dictionary was published in 1995. The stamp features the portrait of N.I.Tolstoy with the drop caps decorated by the ornament in the background (the drop cap are title letters in ancient manuscript books). multicolor 3.00 0.60

Industry, construction, agriculture, technology : Space
Science : Physics
Science : Chemistry
Science : Biology and medicine
Science : History, ethnography
Science : Mathematics

Russia. XX century. Sport.
Russia. XX century. Culture.
Russia. ХХ century. Technology.
The Russian culture of the ХХ century.
Russia. The 20th century.

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