» » № 1949. The series "Outstanding Lawyers of Russia". Roman A. Rudenko (1907-1981)

№ 1949. The series "Outstanding Lawyers of Russia". Roman A. Rudenko (1907-1981)


[Художник-дизайнер] – Uliyanovskiy S.

– Uliyanovskiy S.



The series "Outstanding Lawyers of Russia". Roman A. Rudenko (1907-1981).

During this time, were released into circulation postage stamps depicted Gabriel Derzhavin, the first Minister of Justice; Anatoliy Koni, outstanding court spokesman; and dedicated to lawyers such as Mikhail Speranskiy, Alexander Radishchev and Fedor N. Plevako. In 2014 stamps dedicated to Yaguzhinskiy Pavel (1683-1736), diplomat, associate of Peter I, the first General Prosecutor; Friedrich Martens (1845-1909) world-class lawyer scholar; Sergey Muromtsev (1850-1910) lawyer, the first chairman of the State Duma.

The stamp depicts a portrait of Roman A. Rudenko and the emblem of Russian Ministry of Justice.

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Офсет Мелованная Многокрасочная Гребенчатая 11 ½ 37х37 272 000


The series "Outstanding Lawyers of Russia". Roman A. Rudenko (1907-1981
Special cancellation marks:
Outstanding Lawyers of Russia. Moscow
Outstanding Lawyers of Russia. St. Petersburg

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