» » № 1630-1632. Outstanding Lawyers of Russia

№ 1630-1632. Outstanding Lawyers of Russia


Artist – Komsa R.

Gavrila R. Derzhavin 


Gavrila R. Derzhavin was actively involved in the suppression of the revolt of Pugachev, was governor of Olonets and Tambov provinces. Catherine II appointed Derzhavin her Secretary of State. In the reign of Alexander I, when seven first Russian ministries were founded, Gavrila Derzhavin became the first Minister of Justice.

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Офсет Мелованная Многокрасочная Гребенчатая 11 ½:11 ½ 37х37 288 000

№ 1631

Anatoly Koni

Anatoly Koni was lawyer, judge, statesman and public figure, a prominent forensic orator, privy councilor, member of the State Council of the Russian Empire. 

№ 1632

Mikhail M. Speransky


Mikhail M. Speransky headed the department in the Interior Ministry, which was responsible for development of projects of state reforms. With the establishment of the State Council Speranski became Secretary of State, the most influential officials in Russia, second person in the state after the emperor.




State and Power : Constitution, State Power, laws


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