» » № 1973. XVI FINA World Championships in Kazan

№ 1973. XVI FINA World Championships in Kazan


– Shushlebina O.

[Художник-дизайнер] – Shushlebina O.



The stamp is confined to the opening of the 16th FINA World Championships in Kazan. It is the first time that Russian will host this event, which will be taking place from 24 July till 9 August 2015.
The Championship sports program comprises 6 disciplines: swimming, open water swimming, synchronized swimming, water polo, diving and high diving. The latter has been presented at the 20th FINA Technical Congress and officially included into the FINA World Championships program. This event features diving from extreme heights — 20 m for women and 27 m for men.
During the tournament, athletes will be competing for 75 sets of medals, a record number ever. 2,400 athletes and 1,800 officials from 190 countries are expected to take part in the competitions.
The postage stamp depicts an athlete performing an arabesque move against the background of the Aquatics Palace in Kazan.

FSUE PTC “Marka” also has manufactured a presentation pack with the stamp and cancelled first day covers (Moscow and St Petersburg) inside to the postage stamp issue date.

Способ печати Бумага Цвета Перфорация Формат Тираж
Офсет Мелованная Многокрасочная Гребенчатая 13 ½ 65х32,5 320 000


Sports : Swimming

XVI FINA World Championships in Kazan
Special cancellation marks:
16th FINA World Championships in Kazan
FINA World Championships in Kazan. Moscow
FINA World Championships in Kazan. Kazan
Souvenir packs in cover:
XVI FINA World Championships in Kazan

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