» » № 185-188. The 300th anniversary of Russian Fleet. Geographic expeditions.

№ 185-188. The 300th anniversary of Russian Fleet. Geographic expeditions.


Painter – Zaytsev L.

Adviser – Komarov A.

Stamps per sheets: 30 (3x10 stamps).
Paper - coated; manufacturing process - steel engraving; perforation - frame 12 x 11½.

A portrait of a Russian vice-admiral, a correspondent member of the Petersburg Academy of sciences V.M. Golovnin (1776-1831), the author of the works on circumnavigation and notes about Japan. The stamp features a geographic map with a plan of the expedition route in 1811 during the research and the description of the Kuriles. In the centre of the picture there is a picture of the expeditionary sloop "Diana". On the right there is a picture of the Petropavlovskiy port in 1811 (the city Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy nowadays).

Face value Size Description Price, mint Price, used Quantity
250.00 55.5×26 The portrait of V.M.Golovnin (1776-1831).
250.00 50.00 800000

№ 186

A portrait of a Russian admiral and the honorary member of the Petersburg Academy of sciences I.F. Kruzenshtern (1770 - 1846), the author of "The Southern seas Atlas", a three-decker work on circumnavigation. The stamp features a geographical map with the plan of the first Russian round-the-world expedition in 1803 - 1806 and the ships "Neva" and "Hope". There are also pictures of the Main Admiralty in St Petersburg (before its reconstruction in 1806-1823) and a pennant.

Face value Size Description Price, mint Price, used Quantity
250.00 55.5×26 The portrait of I.F.Kruzenshtern (1770-1846).
250.00 50.00 800000

№ 187

A portrait of a Russian admiral and the honorary member of the Petersburg Academy of sciences F.P. Vrangel (1796/97 - 1870), the main governor of the Russian possessions in America. The researches of 1829 -1835 were carried out under his guidance. F.P.Vrangel was the author of works on travelling in northern part Siberia, on the navigation in the Northern Ocean and about peoples of northwest America. The stamp also features a geographic map of Kamchatka and Alaska, the route of the expedition in North America, the ship "Krotkiy" and Novo-Archangelsk (the centre of the Russian possessions in America).

Face value Size Description Price, mint Price, used Quantity
250.00 55.5×26 The portrait of F.P.Vrangel (1796/97-1870).
250.00 50.00 800000

№ 188

A portrait of a Russian admiral and President of the Petersburg Academy of sciences F.P.Litke (1797 - 1882), the author of works on the navigation in the Northern Ocean and circumnavigation. On the left part of the stamp there is a geographic map with a plan of the expedition route on research of the New Land islands in 1821 - 1824. In the centre of the picture there is a picture of a brig "New Land" in the Arctic ice with the hills of New Land in the background.

Face value Size Description Price, mint Price, used Quantity
250.00 55.5×26 The portrait of F.P.Litke (1797-1882).
250.00 50.00 800000


Stamps per sheet: 8 (2x4  stamps).
Paper - coated; manufacturing process - steel engraving; perforation - frame 12 x 11½.
Sheetlet print quantity - 130000.

The margins of the souvenir sheet feature the Sea cadet corps (an educational institution in 1752-1917) in Kronstadt, the sailing ships, labour attributes of sailors and literators and a "wind rose". The text reads "The 300th anniversary of the Russian Fleet".

History : Dicoveries, travellings, researches

Russian shipbuilders. The 300th anniversary of the Russian Navy.
The 300th anniversary of the Russian Fleet. Russian Fleet in pieces of art.
The 300th anniversary of the Russian Navy. Historical and Modern Naval Ships.
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