» » № 1620. The 125th birth anniversary of F.A. Zander (1887-1933), scientist

№ 1620. The 125th birth anniversary of F.A. Zander (1887-1933), scientist


Artist – Sukhinin F.

[дизайнер] – Yakovlev A.


Frederick  Zander is the Soviet scientist, one of inventors of the rocket technology. He studied matters of reactive motion and investigated problems of rocket and space sciences an engineering.

Zander was the first to offer the scheme and design of such an internal-combustion engine, which did not need the atmospheric air. He had built and tested jet-engine OR-1 (operated by compressed air with gasoline), and after that – liquid fuel rocket engine OR-2 (operated by liquid oxygen with gasoline).

Способ печати Бумага Цвета Перфорация Формат Тираж Количество марок в листе
Офсет Мелованная Многокрасочная Гребенчатая 12 ½:12 42х30 525 000 15(3х5)


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