» » № 1173-1175. The 50th anniversary of the space epoque of the mankind.

№ 1173-1175. The 50th anniversary of the space epoque of the mankind.


Designer – Moscovets A.

Paper - coated; manufacturing process - offset + varnish; perforation - frame 12; souvenir sheet size 110×110 mm; multicolor.
Souvenier sheet print quantity - 125000.

1173 1174 1175

Russia will celebrate the 50th anniversary of launching of the first artificial earth satellite, the 100th birth anniversary of S.P.Korolev and the 150th birth anniversary of K.E.Tsialkovsky in 2007. The mankind entered into the ?poque of developing of space in 1957 when the first in the world soviet artificial earth satellite was taken out into circumterrestrial orbit. With its help the first measurements of the atmosphere density were taken and the data on spreading radio signals in ionosphere were received. Sergey Pavlovich Korolev(1907-1966) is the founder of the applied cosmonautics, the biggest organizer and the scientist, the Main designer of the first carrier rockets and of the rocket-space systems, of the artificial Earth satellites and of the pilot spaceships. Konstantin Eduardovich Tsialkovsky (1857-1935) is the prominent inventor, the biggest scientist in the fields of the aeronautics, aviation and cosmonautics. S.P.Korolev said about Tsialkovsky: "He is a scientist and a researcher, bravely ploughing the ways into new, unknown in science and as a real scientist at the same time grounding his discoveries scientifically brilliantly.

Face value Size Description Price, mint Price, used
1173 10.00 32.5×32.5 The first artificial Earth satellite. 1957 10.00 0.00
1174 20.00 32.5×32.5 S.P.Korolev. 1907-1966 20.00 0.00
1175 20.00 32.5×32.5 K.E. Tsiolkovsky. 1857-1935 20.00 0.00

History : Historical events and dates
Industry, construction, agriculture, technology : Space

The 50th anniversary of the space poque of the mankind.
The Universal exhibition of postal stamps "Saint Petersburg – 2007", dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the first Russian postal stamp. The day of cosmos.
Special cancellation marks:
The 50th anniversary of the space poque of the mankind.
Souvenir packs in cover:
Souvenir pack in cover “The 50th anniversary of the space age”

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