» » № 1475. The 50th anniversary of the Russian Peace Foundation.

№ 1475. The 50th anniversary of the Russian Peace Foundation.


[Design] – Shushlebina O.

Способ печати: офсет
Цвета: многокрасочная
Бумага: мелованная
Перфорация: гребенчатая 13 ½ : 13 ½
Формат марки: 32,5х32,5 мм
Формат марочного листа: 182х150 мм
Тираж: 265 тыс. экз. марок 
Количество на листе: 20 (5x4) марок

In March, 1950, millions of supporters of peace in our country and abroad signed the Stockholm Appeal “On the prohibition of the use of the nuclear weapon”. Many Soviet people on their own initiative started sending donations to support the struggle for peace. For the strict control of the fund spending a social organization called the Soviet Peace Foundation was established in April 27, 1961. The main directions of the Foundation’s work were the consolidation of peace, friendship and harmony between peoples and the development of humanity, international cooperation, science, cultural, and youth exchange. The successor of the Soviet Peace Foundation became the Russian Peace Foundation.
The Issue is dedicated to the 50th anniversary of this social organization.
The stamp depicts the official emblem of the Russian Peace Foundation

Размер Описание Тираж Цена чистых Цена гашеных
1475 32,5х32,5 эмблема Российского фонда мира
265000 8.50

History : Historical events and dates

The 50th anniversary of the Russian Peace Foundation.
Special cancellation marks:

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25-01-2018, 19:15 591 0
