» » № 1375. The 75th anniversary of a rank of the Hero of Soviet Union

№ 1375. The 75th anniversary of a rank of the Hero of Soviet Union


[дизайнер] – Moscovets A.

Способ печати: офсет+золотая фольга+конгрев
Бумага мелованная
Цвета: многокрасочная
Перфорация: гребенчатая 12:12½
Марки печатались в марочных листах  уменьшенного формата  175х110
На листе 10 марок

     The Rank of the Hero of the Soviet Union is the highest honorary rank in the USSR , which was  assigned for heroic deed. It was established by the decision of the Central Electoral Committee of the USSR from 16.04.1934. The medal «Gold Star» was established by the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on August 1, 1939 « On additional signs of honour for Heroes of the Soviet Union » and became the main symbol of the rank of the HSU in our country.
The first people who were awarded the rank of the HSU in 1934 were pilots, who rescued the crew of the steamer «Chelyuskin». In total more than 12.7 thousand people have been awarded the rank of the HSU. 

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State and Power : State symbols. Armory

The 75th anniversary of a rank of the Hero of Soviet Union
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Souvenir pack in cover “The 75th anniversary of the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union”

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