» » № 1418. Historical-cultural heritage of Russia. Valaam.

№ 1418. Historical-cultural heritage of Russia. Valaam.


[Дизайнер] – Moscovets A.

Printing technique: offsetprint
Colour: multicolour
Chalk paper
Perforation in souvenir sheet: frame 12
Size of stamp in souvenir sheet: 45х45 mm
Size of souvenir sheet: 95х75 mm
Circulation: 100 thousand souvenir sheets
Amount in souvenir sheet:  1 stamp

Valaam archipelago (Valaam), located in the north-western part of Lake Ladoga, is by right considered the pearl of Karelia and the unique historical and natural landscape area. The archipelago consists of the island of Valaam and more than 50 small islands. A dissected coastline, a lot of bays, inlets, sheer granite cliffs feature the landscape. Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery - supposedly founded in the XI-XIII centuries, during the colonization of the islands - is an essential part of a unique complex of Valaam archipelago.
Constructions of the beginning of the XVIII century - the end of the XIX century, including the Spaso-Preobrazhensky cathedral, belltower, the barbican church of Peter and Paul, church of the Assumption, the skete of St. Nicholas and many others have been preserved till nowadays.
In 1965, Valaam was granted the status of natural reserve; and in 1979 the national  museum-reserve was created on the island.
The souvenir sheet depicts the panorama of the Valaam archipelago.

Size Description Quantity Price for mint Price for cancelled
1418 45х45 панорама Валаамского архипелага 100000 25 руб.

Russian Federation : The Republic of Karelia

Historical-cultural heritage of Russia. Valaam.
Special cancellation marks:

Souvenir packs in cover:
Souvenir pack "Historical-cultural heritage of Russia. Valaam".
Souvenir pack "Treasures of the Russian North".

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