» » № 1454. Joint issue. Russia - Kazakhstan. Researchers. Chokan Valikhanov (1835-1865).

№ 1454. Joint issue. Russia - Kazakhstan. Researchers. Chokan Valikhanov (1835-1865).


Artist – Kernosov A.

Printing technique: offsetprint
Colour: multicolour
Chalk paper
Perforation: comb 12:12 ½
Sixe of sheet: 110х104 mm.
Size of stamp: 30х42 mm, pictorial field: 25,5х37,5 mm.
Stamps are issued in mini sheets
Circulation: 290,1 thousand stamps (48 350 sheets)
Amount in sheet: 6 (3x2) stamps

In 2010, the joint issue of postage stamps between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan is devoted to the 175th anniversary of outstanding scientist, specialist in geography and ethnography, educator and diplomat Chokan Valikhanov. He graduated from Omsk Cadet Corps, served in Siberian Cossack Army, then he served the Governor-General of Western Siberia Gustav Gasfort; participated in a number of expeditions to Middle Asia and China. In 1858, disguised as a Muslim merchant, he crossed the Tien-Shan and lived in Kashgar, where he collected materials on the ethnology of eastern Turkestan and the history of Altyshar. The detailed description of local flora, fauna and trade routes, study of history and life of the Kazakhs, as well as Kazakh folklore became the most famous work of the scientist. A lot of ethnologically accurate genre, portrait and landscape sketches which illustrated his scientific and travel diaries, easel drawings and water-colors have also remained intact.
The stamp depicts a portrait of the scientist against the background of map of Asia of the XIX century and the ancient cultic construction.

Размер Описание Тираж Цена чистых Цена гашеных
1454 30х42 портрет Валиханова на фоне карты Азии XIX века и древнего культового сооружения
290100 15.00


History : The great names of history
History : Dicoveries, travellings, researches

Joint issue. Russia - Kazakhstan. Researchers. Chokan Valikhanov (1835-1865).
Special cancellation marks:

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