» » № 96-99. Novgorod Kremlin.

№ 96-99. Novgorod Kremlin.


Painter – Slonov M.

Stamps per sheets: 30 (6x5 stamps).
Paper - coated; manufacturing process - offset; perforation - comb 12.

Kokui is the highest tower of the Novgorod Kremlin (41 m). The seven-level watch building was erected in the 1960's by S.L.Yefimov. At first, there was a wine-cellar in the basement, an order chamber in the first floor, rooms in the second and third floors. The cold fourth and fifth floors were used for housewifery. The sixth floor was used fot watching the surroundings. Knyazhaya tower (the 14th - 17th cc) was used for housewifery too. The basement served as a cellar and the first floor was used as a buttery.

Face value Size Description Price, mint Price, used Quantity
25.00 32.5×32.5 A watch-tower Kokui. Knyazhaya tower.
25.00 5.00 2200000

№ 97

St Sophia cathedral (1045 - 1050) is one of the most ancient stone buildings in Russia. It was founded by Yaroslav the Wise, his son Vladimir and a bishop Luka as a city cathedral. It's southern gallery was used for the interment of princes, bishops and vicars.

Face value Size Description Price, mint Price, used Quantity
25.00 32.5×32.5 St Sophia cathedral.
25.00 5.00 2200000

№ 98

St Sophia belfry was built in 1439. It was almost destroyed during World War II. But in 1948 it was rebiult. The bells are not fit for ringing, but due to their historical value they were set on the special base near the belfry. The biggest belfry bell was made in the 17th c and weighs 26.5 tons. The other bells were made in the 17th - 19th cc.

Face value Size Description Price, mint Price, used Quantity
25.00 32.5×32.5 St Sophia belfry.
25.00 5.00 2200000

Souvenir sheet

Paper - coated; manufacturing process - offset; perforation - frame 12; souvenir sheet size 95×70 mm; multicolor.
Souvenier sheet print quantity - 800000.

The margins of the souvenir sheet feature the framents of the icon "A fight between Novgorod and Suzdal people" (the 15th c).

Face value Size Description Price, mint Price, used
99 250.00 32.5×32.5 The stamp features the icon "Our Lady’s Sign" (the 12th c). multicolor 250.00 5.00


Stamps per sheet: 9 (3x3 stamps).
Paper - coated; manufacturing process - offset; perforation - comb 12.
Sheetlet print quantity - 200000.

97 96 98
98 97 96
96 98 97

Russian Federation : Novgorod Region
Religion : Cathedrals and churches
Religion : In artworks, icons
Culture and art : Architecture

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