» » № 1373. The 200th anniversary of birth of Vladimir Istomin, the hero of the Sevastopol defence 1854-1855.

№ 1373. The 200th anniversary of birth of Vladimir Istomin, the hero of the Sevastopol defence 1854-1855.


[художник] – Kernosov A.

Способ печати: офсет
Цвета: многокрасочная
Перфорация: гребенчатая 12:11½
На листе 25(5х5) марок


           Vladimir Ivanovich Istomin (1809-1855) - the hero of Sevastopol defense, Rear Admiral. He participated in the naval Battle of Navarino in 1827, in the battle against the Turkish fleet in the Mediterranean Sea in 1828-1829. Since 1850 he was the commander of the battleship " Paris ", which destroyed three Turkish ships and the central coastal battery of the enemy in the naval Sinop Battle in 1853. He was awarded the rank of Rear Admiral for the achievements in battle.
From the beginning of the defense of Sevastopol he commanded the 4th range of Malakhov barrow. For his courage he was awarded the Order of St. George of 3rd degree. He was killed by a cannon ball on the Kamtchatka Lunette.
          The stamp presents the portrait of V.I.Istomin, a fragment of the battleship " Paris " with waving flag of St. Andrew, the scene of Sevastopol defense.

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10.00 50х37 200000

History : The great names of history

The 200th anniversary of birth of Vladimir Istomin, the hero of the Sevastopol defence 1854-1855.
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