» » № 1226-1228. The XIXX Olimpic Games. Beijing, 2008.

№ 1226-1228. The XIXX Olimpic Games. Beijing, 2008.


Designer – Moscovets A.

Stamps per sheet: 3 (3x1 stamps).
Paper - coated; manufacturing process - offset; perforation - comb 12.
Se-tenant print quantity - 220000.

1226 1227 1228

XXIX Olympic Games will take place in Beijing, the capital of the Chinese National Republic from August, 8 till August, 24th, 2008. Beijing has been selected as the capital of the XXIX Olympic Games on July, 13th, 2001 at 112th session of the International Olympic committee in Moscow. Toronto (Canada), Paris (France), Istambul (Turkey) and Osaka (Japan) were its competitors. Children of good luck become Olympic Games talismans. According to the Chinese philosophy, there are five Children of fortune: Bej-Bej, the Jing-Jing, Huan-Huan, In-In and Ni-Ni. They also personify fish, big panda, fire, the Tibetan antelope and swallow. If to combine the first syllables of the name of each of them the phrase which interpretation means – «Welcome to Beijing” will turn out! Stamps represent the Olympic kinds of sports and Olympic symbolism against the strips repeating colors of the Olympic rings. There are mountain landscape of China and the Great Chinese Wall on the brims of souvenir sheet.

Face value Size Description Price, mint Price, used
1226 8.00 26×58 multicolor 8.00 0.00
1227 8.00 26×58 multicolor 8.00 0.00
1228 8.00 26×58 multicolor 8.00 0.00


Stamps per sheet: 3 (3x1 stamps).
Paper - coated; manufacturing process - offset; perforation - comb 12.
Sheetlet print quantity - 98000.

1226 1227 1228

Sports : Olympic Games

The XXIX Olympic Games. Beijing,2008.
Special cancellation marks:
The XXIX Olympic Games. Beijing, 2008

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