» » № 1030. Moscow - candidate city to host XXX Olimpic games of 2012.

№ 1030. Moscow - candidate city to host XXX Olimpic games of 2012.


Painter – Beltyukov V.

Stamps per sheet: 36 (6x6 stamps).
Paper - coated; manufacturing process - offset; perforation - comb 12.

This postal stamp is dedicated to Moscow – a candidate city for the right to conduct the ХХХ Olympic Games of 2012. The Olympic rings and the conventionalized race track, imitating the colors of the Olympic rings: blue, yellow, black, green and red, - are depicted on the stamp.

Face value Size Description Price, mint Price, used Quantity
4.00 42×30
4.00 0.00 170000

Sports : Olympic Games

The 27th Olympic Games in Sydney.
The 20th winter Olympic games. Turin.
Moscow - candidate city to host XXX Olimpic games of 2012.
Special cancellation marks:

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