» » № 130-137. World fauna!

№ 130-137. World fauna!


Painter – Golubyatnikova E.

Stamps per sheets: 50 (10x5 stamps).
Paper - coated; manufacturing process - offset; perforation - comb 12½ x 12.

Elephants are mammals proboscidians. Unlike African elephants Asia ones are smaller, have little ears and a single digital outgrowth. Elephants live for 70 - 80 years, and their teeth change 6 times during that period. They have exact memory: they remember the caused offence all their life and can pay off decades later. In search for food elephants can go for long distances, can walk in bogs and thickets, swim and climb ascents.

Face value Size Description Price, mint Price, used Quantity
250.00 26×37 Asian Elephant.
250.00 50.00 1500000

№ 131

Koala is a marsupial bear. It is spread in the eastern part of Australia. This sluggish night animal lives on the trees in gum-tree forests. Feeds upon gum-tree sprays and managed to turn drastic toxics to it's own advantage. For instance when the air temperature goes up, the animals pass to the trees containing antipyretics. They live for about 12 years.

Face value Size Description Price, mint Price, used Quantity
250.00 26×37 Koala.
250.00 50.00 1500000

№ 132

The pinnipeds are close to the land raptors and are spread in all the cold seas and temperate zone seas. Monk seals live in the tropics and subtropics, and Hawaiian monk seals live at the Hawaiian Islands. The seal obtained its name "Monk" because the new-borns are not white but brown or black. Seals feed upon fish and live up to 40 years.

Face value Size Description Price, mint Price, used Quantity
250.00 26×37 Monk seal.
250.00 50.00 1500000

№ 133

Bald Eagles look like eagles: they have wide wings, white tails, white heads and shoulders. Their specific distinction is love for water. They live at seas, large rivers and lakes. They nest on the trees and rocks. They feed upon fish and sea birds. Bald Eagles are spread in NOrth America.

Face value Size Description Price, mint Price, used Quantity
250.00 26×37 Bald Eagle.
250.00 50.00 1500000

№ 134

The Giant Panda ( a white bear) was discovered in 1869. It lives in gum-tree forests, is active at night and hides in hollows in the afternoon. Though pandas are raptors originally they mostly eat gum-tree sprays. Mature animals are almost 2 meters long and weighs 150kg. It is spread in China where it is a national treasure. Pandas also lived in Indochina and on the Kalimantan.

Face value Size Description Price, mint Price, used Quantity
250.00 26×37 Giant Panda.
250.00 50.00 1500000

№ 135

Dall's Porpoise is the most numerous kind of dolphins in the Sea of Japan. The body is 2 m long, the head is small. The head and back is black while the sides are white. Dall's Porpoises live by 2 or 4 units or in large flocks up to 1000 heads. They feed upon fish, cephalopedae and shellfish.

Face value Size Description Price, mint Price, used Quantity
250.00 26×37 Dall's Porpoise.
250.00 50.00 1500000

№ 136

Cranes live mainly in steppes, bogs and tundra. The White-necked Crane is spread in the Amur baasin. They feed upon plant food, insects, mollusca and small gnawers. Almost all cranes dance to express their emotions.

Face value Size Description Price, mint Price, used Quantity
250.00 26×37 White-necked Crane.
250.00 50.00 1500000

№ 137

Gray Whale weighs up to 35 tons. It feeds upon ground lobsters. In their wintering areas whales live from hand to mouth and sometimes eat water-plants. There are two regularly migrating flocks of gray whales in the world: the Okhotsk-Korean and the Chukchee-Californian. The first one is almost killed off. It winters near Korea and South Japan and battens in summer in the Sea of Okhotsk. The other one winters near California and battens in the Bering Sea and the Chukchee Sea. Whales live up to 30-50 years.

Face value Size Description Price, mint Price, used Quantity
250.00 26×37 Gray Whale.
250.00 50.00 1500000


Stamps per sheet: 8 (4x2 stamps).
Paper - coated; manufacturing process - offset; perforation - comb 12½ x 12.
Sheetlet print quantity - 200000.

130 131 132 133
134 135 136 137

Nature : Fauna

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