» » № 1681. World Natural Heritage of Russia. Republic of Tyva. Uvs Nuur Basin

№ 1681. World Natural Heritage of Russia. Republic of Tyva. Uvs Nuur Basin


[дизайнер] – Ivanova O.



In 1993, in the territory of Uvs Nuur Basin there was created a Russian natural biospheric reserve, which is the Russian part of trans-boundary Russian-Mongolian UNESCO World Natural Heritage Site. The Uvs Nuur Basin presents the rarest occasion, when on the relatively small by territory sizes there are contrast landscapes.  Besides, the reserve is characterized by diversity of species – unique combination of north (taiga, Siberian) and more south (desert, central Asian) species of plants and animals. Total quantity of species of high plants is more than 1 thousand, seven of which have been registered to the Red Book of Russia.

There are more than 80 species of mammals and about 350 species of birds in the faunal list of reserve “Uvs Nuur Basin”.  Eight species of mammals and 34 species of birds have been registered to the Red Book of Russia; four species of mammals and 12 species of birds have been also registered to the World Red Book. In the Basin ancient graves (about 300 burial mounds of the Scythian, Han and Sarmatian and Turkic tribes), prehistoric cave drawings and stone images have been found.



To the issue an illustrated cover will be prepared inside of which there are a stamp sheet, cancelled First Day Covers.

Способ печати Бумага Цвета Перфорация Формат марки Формат блока Тираж
Офсет+ трафаретный лак Мелованная Многокрасочная рамочная 12 ½:12 42х30 100х75 80 000

Nature : Environmental protection

World Natural Heritage of Russia. Republic of Tyva. Uvs Nuur Basin
Special cancellation marks:
World Natural Heritage of Russia. Uvs Nuur Basin
World Cultural Heritage of Russia. Uvs Nuur Basin. Kyzyl, Tyva Republic
Souvenir packs in cover:
World Natural Heritage of Russia

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25-01-2018, 19:34 704 0
