» » № 984. “Happy New Year!”

№ 984. “Happy New Year!”


Painter – Beltyukov V.

The stamps have been issued on sheet of a round shape of 145 mm diameter bearing an artistically decorated margins. Sheet contains eight stamps arranged as segments of the circle.
Paper - coated, self-adhesive; manufacturing process - offset; perforation - frame 8.

New Year and Christmas Festivals are inseparable from the scent of fir-tree needles. The interpretation of tree as a symbol of life is a tradition more ancient than Christianity itself and it does not belong to a certain religion. Long before that time when people has started celebrating New Year and Christmas, on the shortest day of year in December, ancient Egyptians used to bring green palm fronds into their houses as a symbol of the triumph of life over death. Romans decorated their houses with green leaves for winter festival called Saturnalia in honor of the God of Agriculture. Druid-priests hung golden apples up the oak trees during winter solstice festival. The tradition of decorating fir-tree for the New Year’s Eve appeared in Russia in the early 18th century.

Face value Size Description Price, mint Price, used Quantity
5.00 32.8×47.6 “Happy New Year!”
5.00 3.50 500000


The stamps have been issued on sheet of a round shape of 145 mm diameter bearing an artistically decorated margins. Sheet contains eight stamps arranged as segments of the circle.
Paper - coated, self-adhesive; manufacturing process - offset; perforation - frame 8.
Sheet print quantity - 62500.

Holidays, field-days, professional hoidays : New Year

Special cancellation marks:

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