» » № 2303-2306. 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia™. Football in Art

№ 2303-2306. 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia™. Football in Art


[Художник-дизайнер] – Shushlebina O.

Памятник футболисту В.Боброву. 2002 г.
А.Г.Дёма, С.Л.Михайлов


Football is comprehensively represented in Russian art. Not only did artists and sculptors depict scenes from a game but also elements of outfit, fans and stadiums.

In the 20th century, the principles of portrayal a human were connected with the concept of a harmonious man and patriotic upbringing. The ideas of conquering space and time and the task of training a physically developed man were pivotal in painting.

The postage stamps feature the paintings Football (1926) by Yuri Pimenov;
Football (1928) by Aleksandr Deyneka; Football Player (1953) bas-relief in Moscow Metro by Elena Yanson-Manizer; monument to Vsevolod Bobrov, a football player (2002), by Anatoly Dyoma and Sergey Mikhailov, and the 2018 FIFA World Cup RussiaTM Official Marks.

Printing method Paper Color Perforation Format Circulation
Offset + Security Complex Coated Multicolor Comb 12:12 ½ 30×42 400000

№ 2304

№ 2305

№ 2306






Official Licensed Products of the 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia™
Culture and art : Monuments, sculpture
Culture and art : Painting, graphics, icons
Sports : Football

2018 FIFA World Cup Russia™. Football in Art
Special cancellation marks:

Souvenir packs in cover:

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