» » № 1930-1933. "Flora of Russia" Series. The Alley of Russia All-Russian Ecological and Patriotic Action

№ 1930-1933. "Flora of Russia" Series. The Alley of Russia All-Russian Ecological and Patriotic Action


[Художник-дизайнер] – Povarihin A.

"Flora of Russia" Series. The Alley of Russia All-Russian Ecological and Patriotic Action

In 2014, voting on the green symbols of Russia has taken place within the national ecological patriotic action “Alley of Russia”. Every Russian citizen has had four months to state their opinion concerning plants worthy to become the symbols of their region. 2/5 million people have taken part in the voting. The green symbols will be used in environmental projects and park playgrounds. The first Alley of Russia will be located in “Park Pobedy”, a park in Sevastopol.

Stamps depict plants symbols of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Republic of Crimea, Sevastopol – the English oak, the Norway maple, the Grecian juniper, the Pitsunda pine.

Способ печати Бумага Цвета Перфорация Формат Тираж
Офсет Самоклеящаяся Многокрасочная 11 ½ 36,5х29 104 000

№ 1931

Grecian Juniper



№ 1932

Norway Maple



№ 1933

English Oak




Nature : Flora

The series "Flora of Russia". The Alley of Russia All-Russian Ecological and Patriotic Action
Special cancellation marks:
The series "Flora of Russia". The Alley of Russia All-Russian Ecological and Patriotic Action. Moscow
The series "Flora of Russia". The Alley of Russia All-Russian Ecological and Patriotic Action. Sevastopol
Souvenir packs in cover:
The series "Flora of Russia". The Alley of Russia All-Russian Ecological and Patriotic Action
Russia Flora

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