» » № 1940. The 175th Anniversary of the First Postage Stamp

№ 1940. The 175th Anniversary of the First Postage Stamp


– Bodrova M.

[Художник-дизайнер] – Bodrova M.



The first postage stamp "Black Penny" was released in the Great Britain in May,1840. The name of a postal miniature owes due to it's face value (1 penny) and it's black color.

The issue of the first postage stamp closely related with Mr. Roland Hill. He suggested to make the unify and easy method of payment of the postal correspondence: a sign with a face value for the postal service, which could be pasted on the envelope. It was a contest on the best sketch of a postage stamp. 2700 sketches were provided. The drawing depicted the profile of the Queen Victoria, made by Henry Cole, became a winner.

The "Black Penny" printed with intaglio method. There are notes "Postage" and "One penny" on the edges.

The state sign of postal payment of the Russian Federation depicts "Black Penny" stamp pasted on the envelope and cancelled with the postmark in the form of a Maltese cross, with panoramic views of London and Moscow on the background.

Способ печати Бумага Цвета Перфорация Формат Тираж
Офсет Мелованная Многокрасочная Гребенчатая 12:11 ½ 50х37 438 000


History : Historical events and dates

The 175th Anniversary of the First Postage Stamp
Special cancellation marks:
The 175th Anniversary of the First Postage Stamp. Moscow
The 175th Anniversary of the First Postage Stamp. St. Petersburg
The 175th Anniversary of the First Postage Stamp. Yaroslavl
The 175th Anniversary of the First Postage Stamp. Krasnodar
Souvenir packs in cover:
The 175th Anniversary of the First Postage Stamp

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