» » № 1964. Coat of Arms of Nizhny Novgorod

№ 1964. Coat of Arms of Nizhny Novgorod


[Художник-дизайнер] – Povarihin A.



Coat of arms of Nizhny Novgorod is the image of a heraldic shield on the quadrilateral with rounded lower corners.

The symbolic significance of colors:
- Silver color - a symbol of perfection, nobility, purity of thought, purity of the world;
- Red color - a symbol of bravery, courage, fearlessness, maturity, energy, vitality;
- Black color - a symbol of wisdom, honesty, modesty, humility and eternal life.

Coat of Nizhny Novgorod submitted to the State Heraldic Register of the Russian Federation December 20, 2006 (the registration number 3062).

Способ печати Бумага Цвета Перфорация Формат Тираж
Офсет Мелованная Многокрасочная Гребенчатая 12:12 ½ 18,5х26 1200000


Coat of Arms of Nizhny Novgorod
Special cancellation marks:
Coat of Arms of Nizhny Novgorod. Moscow
Coat of Arms of Nizhny Novgorod. Nizhny Novgorod
Souvenir packs in cover:
Coats of arms on postage stamps of the Russian Federation

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