» » № 1672-1674. State decorations of the Russian Federation

№ 1672-1674. State decorations of the Russian Federation


[дизайнер] – Moscovets A.

The Order of Saint Catherine the Great Martyr 


The Order of Saint Catherine the Great Martyr was established on the 3d of May 2012. This Order is awarded to the citizens of the Russian Federation and foreign citizens to honor their high moral values and compassion in recognition of their outstanding contribution to peacekeeping, humanitarian and charitable activities, and preservation of cultural heritage.

The postage stamp illustrates a star and a sign of the Order of Saint Catherine the Great Martyr on the blue background.

Способ печати Бумага Цвета Перфорация Формат Тираж
Офсет+частичная лакировка+ конгревное тиснение Мелованная Многокрасочная Гребенчатая 12:12 32.5х65 315 000

№ 1673

The Order of Alexander Nevsky


The Order of Alexander Nevsky was established on 7th of September 2010. This Order is awarded to citizens of the Russian Federation in recognition of their highly meritorious services to the Fatherland, outstanding achievements in enhancement of defense potential of the State, and distinctive personal achievements in various fields of economics, research and development, social and cultural, educative and other socially beneficial activities.

The postage stamp illustrates the Order of Alexander Nevsky on the blue background.

№ 1674

The Order of Suvorov 


The Order of Suvorov was established on 7th of September 2010. This Order is awarded to the commander alliances, commandants of class of services of Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for efficient organization of operations and force grouping guidance; for efficient organization and guidance of formations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation during the activities of strategic deterrence of the powerful character that secure non-admission against the Russian Federation and its allies. 

The postage stamp illustrates the Order of Suvorov on the blue background.




State and Power : State symbols. Armory

State decorations of the Russian Federation
Special cancellation marks:
State decorations of the Russian Federation

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