» » № 1607. The 75 anniversary of non-stop flight of crew of V.P. Chkalov

№ 1607. The 75 anniversary of non-stop flight of crew of V.P. Chkalov


[дизайнер] – Povarihin A.



The legendary nonstop flight across the North Pole to The North America took place 75 years ago. The commander of the aircraft crew was Valery Pavlovich Chkalov. The ANT-25 aircraft 63 hours and 16 minutes to cover the distance of 8504 km, and 15 of these hours ANT-25 flew under extreme conditions: wings, stabilizer and antennas were covered with  ice crust.

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Офсет Мелованная Многокрасочная Гребенчатая 11 ½:11 ½ 37х37 360 000


History : Dicoveries, travellings, researches


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