» » № 1324. The 300th anniversary of Poltava battle.

№ 1324. The 300th anniversary of Poltava battle.


Artist – Beltyukov V.

Tercentenary anniversary of Poltava battle

Poltava battle, which is dated June 27, 1709, was the turning event in the history of the Great North War and became one of the most significant events in the military history of Russia and Sweden . During the reign of Peter the Great and several decades after his death the day of Poltava battle was celebrated as a triumphal day in Russia ; now, in Russian Federation , there is the revival of this tradition.

The block shows the painting created by I.G. Tannauer “Peter I in Poltava battle” in 1720-th, and also the cartouche, illustrating military achievements of Russian army. The painting is in the collection of State Russian Museum .

History : Historical events and dates


Souvenir packs in cover:
Souvenir pack in cover “The 300th anniversary of the Poltava battle”.

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