» » № 1034-1038. Fauna. Insects.

№ 1034-1038. Fauna. Insects.


Painter – Zhilichkin P.

Stamps per sheet: 1 (1x1 stamps).
Paper - coated; manufacturing process - offset + varnish; perforation - comb 11½.

The Armenian bumblebee. It is met in the South of the European Russia and in the Far South of the Western Siberia. It dwells in the forest-steppe and in steppe region, in the Caucasian, Tien Shan and Pamirs foothills. This bumblebee catches nectar and pollen from grasses and bushes of bean family, of labiate family, of composite and borago.

Face value Size Description Price, mint Price, used Quantity
3.00 37×37 Bombus armeniacus.
3.00 0.00 220000

№ 1035

The steppes bumblebee. The natural habitat is the same as for the Armenian bumblebee. It catches pollen from the grasses and bushes predominantly of the composite family.

Face value Size Description Price, mint Price, used Quantity
4.00 37×37 Bombus fragrans
4.00 0.00 220000

№ 1036

The hermit-bumblebee. Its natural habitat is forest-steppe and steppe parts of the Primorsky region, it can be met in Khabarovsk region and in the South of Baikal region. The initially low population of this species is reducing constantly as a result of uncontrolled cutting of grass, cattle pasture and using of pesticides.

Face value Size Description Price, mint Price, used Quantity
5.00 37×37 Bombus anachoreta
5.00 0.00 220000

№ 1037

The rarest bumblebee. Like hermit-bumblebee it can be met in the far Northern parts of the Easetern-Asian regions. It gathers nectar and pollen from many kinds of flowering plants.

Face value Size Description Price, mint Price, used Quantity
6.00 37×37 Bombus unicus
6.00 0.00 220000

№ 1038

The bumblebee named by Chersky inhabits the same areas as bumblebee the rearest and bumblebee the hermit. It collects the nectar and the pollen mainly from the plants with deep corona of the flower – i.e. from labiates and from legumes.

Face value Size Description Price, mint Price, used Quantity
7.00 37×37 Bombus czerskii
7.00 0.00 220000


Stamps per sheet: 6 (3x2 stamps).
Paper - coated; manufacturing process - offset + varnish; perforation - comb 11½.
Sheetlet print quantity - 70000.

1034 K 1035
1036 1037 1038

Nature : Fauna

Fauna. Insects.
Special cancellation marks:
Fauna. Insects.
Souvenir packs in cover:
The Fauna of Russia

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