» » № 822-827. Russia. Regions.

№ 822-827. Russia. Regions.


Painter – Beylin V.

Stamps per sheets: 36 (6x6 stamps).
Paper - coated; manufacturing process - offset; perforation - comb 12½ x 12.

The stamp features the Astrakhan Kremlin, the delta of the Volga and agents of flora and fauna of the Astrakhan National Park.

Face value Size Description Price, mint Price, used Quantity
3.00 28×40 Astrakhan region.
3.00 0.75 350000

№ 823

The stamp features the Kemerovo statue of M.Volkov who was the first to find the Kuznetsk coal mine. There is also an image of a coal plough-machine.

Face value Size Description Price, mint Price, used Quantity
3.00 40×28 Kemerovo region.
3.00 0.75 350000

№ 824

The stamp features the monument for the soldier-skiers in Kurgan, and the landscape of the region.

Face value Size Description Price, mint Price, used Quantity
3.00 40×28 Kurgan region.
3.00 0.75 350000

№ 825

The stamp features the tide-water landscape of the Sea of Okhotsk, deer in the pasturage and semiprecious stones of the region.

Face value Size Description Price, mint Price, used Quantity
3.00 40×28 Magadan region.
3.00 0.75 350000

№ 826

The stamp features the river Vishera, Perm State Art Gallery and the museum, which are situated in the former duomo. In the left corner there is a plaque made as a head of a bear (the Perm animal style).

Face value Size Description Price, mint Price, used Quantity
3.00 40×28 Perm region.
3.00 0.75 350000

№ 827

The stamp features an Ulijanovsk cross-country vehicle, a bridge over the Volga in Ulijanovsk, a conveyer of the automobile plant and the plane TУ - 204-120.

Face value Size Description Price, mint Price, used Quantity
3.00 40×28 Uljanov region.
3.00 0.75 350000

Russian Federation : Astrakhan Region
Russian Federation : Kemerovo Region
Russian Federation : Kurgan Region
Russian Federation : Magadan Region
Russian Federation : Perm Region
Russian Federation : Uliyanovsk Region

Russia. Regions.
Russia. Regions.
Russia. Regions.
Russia. Regions.
Russia. Regions.
Russia. Regions.
Russia. Regions.
Russia. Regions.
Russia. Regions.
Russia. Regions.
Special cancellation marks:
Russia. Regions. Astrakhan region
Russia. Regions. Perm region
Russia. Regions. Kurgan region
Russia. Regions. Kemerovo region
Russia. Regions. Ulianovsk region
Russia. Regions. Magadan region

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25-01-2018, 18:25 710 0
