» » № 29-31. Geographic discoveries.

№ 29-31. Geographic discoveries.


Painter – Levinovsky Y.

Stamps per sheets: 28 (4x7 stamps).
Paper - coated; manufacturing process - offset; perforation - comb 11½ x 12.

L.A.Zagoskin was a naval officer. In 1842-44 he led the exploration near bays Norton and Kocebu, at the Kuskokvim watershed and at the river Yukon, featured on the stamp.

Face value Size Description Price, mint Price, used Quantity
0.55 58×26 The picture of a Russian Alaska explorer L.A.Zagoskin (1808-1890).
0.55 0.18 2600000

№ 30

N.N.Myklukho-Maklai was an ethnographer. In 1870-80 he investigated the indigenous population of South East Asia, Australia and Oceania, and Papuans of Papua New Guinea, featured on the stamp.

Face value Size Description Price, mint Price, used Quantity
0.70 58×26 The picture of a Russian scientist, traveller and a public figure N.N.Myklukho-Maklai (1846-1888).
0.70 0.25 2600000

№ 31

G.I.Langsdorf was a naturalist and a diplomat of German extraction. In 1822-29 he led an expedition in the inner districts of Brazilia. The stamp features the plan of the expedition passage through the Brazilian highland.

Face value Size Description Price, mint Price, used Quantity
1.00 58×26 The picture of a natural historian and ethnographer G.I.Langsdorf (1774-1852).
1.00 0.35 2600000


Stamps per sheet: 9 (3x3  stamps).
Paper - coated; manufacturing process - offset; perforation - comb 11½ x 12.
Sheetlet print quantity - 250000.

History : The great names of history
History : Dicoveries, travellings, researches

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