» » № 215. The 100th anniversary of the radio invention.

№ 215. The 100th anniversary of the radio invention.


Painter – Konovalov V.

Adviser: M.Gurskaya.
Stamps per sheet: 50 (5x10 stamps).
Paper - coated; manufacturing process - deep; perforation - frame 11½.

A scientist and an inventor A.S.Popov demonstrated a device for electromagnetic waves reception at the session of Russian physical and chemical society in St.Petersburg in 1895. It was the first radio and it seemed perfect those days. The stamp also features a radiotelegraph device used in radio communication between the Baltic sea ships – a cruiser "Africa" and a transport "Europe", featured in the stamp background.

Face value Size Description Price, mint Price, used Quantity
250.00 40×28 A portrait of a Russian physicist and an electrician A.S. Popov (1859-1906) who had invented the radio.
250.00 50.00 500000

History : Historical events and dates
Communication : Telecommunication

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