» » № 2090-2091. A Joint Issue of the Russian Federation and The Republic of Malta. Art

№ 2090-2091. A Joint Issue of the Russian Federation and The Republic of Malta. Art


[Художник-дизайнер] – Shushlebina O.

N.P. Krasnov. View from Vittoriosa Gate.
Malta National Museum of Fine Arts 


Nicholas Krasnoff’s works, being a part of the Art topic, have been chosen a as a common theme for the joint issue of postage stamps of the Republic of Malta and the Russian Federation.

Nicholas Krasnoff (1864–1939) was an Academician of Architecture, artist and the chief architect author of the city of Yalta.

The most-known buildings designed by Krasnoff are the Livadia Palace (1909–1911) built in Italian Renaissance on the Black Sea shore in Livadia, a mansion of Duchess Natalya Baryatinskaya in Selbillyar Estate in Lower Alupka, a palace of Grand Duke Peter Nikolaevich of Russia in Miskhor called “Dulber”, his own house on Nikolaevskaya St and St Nina Church in Yalta, Yusupov Palace in Koreiz, etc.

In 1920–1922, he lived in Malta, where he taught pictorial art and took up water-color painting. The artist also made several sketches of Maltese stamps. The most-known paintings are Dulber, Charax Estate of Grand Duke Georgy Mikhailovich, East-facing façade of the Livadia Palace and View from Vittoriosa Gate.

The postage stamps feature fragments of such paintings as Dulber from the Yalta Historical and Literature Museum and View from Vittoriosa Gate from the National Museum of Fine Arts of Malta.

Printing method Paper Color Perforation Format Circulation
Offset+partial varnishing Coated Multicolor Comb 11 ½ : 12 37х50 200000

№ 2091

N.P. Krasnov. Dulber. 
Yalta Historical-Literary Museum




A Joint Issue of the Russian Federation and The Republic of Malta



Формат марочного листа Количество Тираж
168х170 лист с оформленными полями (4х3) из 10 марок и 2-х купонов 40000

A Joint Issue of the Russian Federation and The Republic of Malta. Art
Special cancellation marks:
A Joint Issue of the Russian Federation and The Republic of Malta. Art. Moscow
A Joint Issue of the Russian Federation and The Republic of Malta. Art. Yalta Republic of Crimea
Souvenir packs in cover:
A Joint Issue of the Russian Federation and The Republic of Malta. Art
Joint issues:
A Joint Issue of the Russian Federation and The Republic of Malta. Art

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