» » № 61Б. The first issue of standard Russian Federation stamps.

№ 61Б. The first issue of standard Russian Federation stamps.


[художник] – Artsymenev Y.

Stamps per sheets: 100 (10x10 stamps).
Paper - offset; manufacturing process - offset; perforation - comb 12½ x 12.

The church of Intercession of the Virgin on the Nerl river was built in 1165 near Bogolyubovo at the fall of the Nerl river into the Klyazma as a memorial to the successful campaign of Andrey Bogolyubsky against Bulgarians in 1164. At the same time it was a memorial to Andrey's son Izyaslav who died in the campaign.

Face value Size Description Price, mint Price, used Quantity
250.00 26×18.5 Pokrova na Nerli Church. Vladimir region. >> green 250.00 50.00 mass

The first issue of standard Russian Federation stamps.

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