» » № 1824. EUROPA issue. Musical Instruments

№ 1824. EUROPA issue. Musical Instruments


[дизайнер] – Uliyanovskiy S.

Design: S. Ulyanovsky 


Association of European public postal operators (PostEurop) was founded in 1993 by the initiative of 26 European state postal operators and represents an officially recognized Restricted Union of the Universal Postal Union. The Russian Federation joined the association in 1994. One of the PostEurop’s major activities is to issue postage stamps bearing the EUROPA logo. The issue topics are defined annually. The year 2014 theme is Musical Instruments.
Balalaika is a Russian three-string pizzicato musical instrument with a slightly bended triangular body which has become Russia’s national musical symbol along with the accordion and bayan. Since time immemorial they have unfailingly accompanied people merrymaking and singing.

Today the balalaika is well-known worldwide. Many composers write music for it. Balalaika bands are popular across Europe and America. The postage stamp depicts a scene of Russian folk festivities with people singing, dancing and playing musical instruments.

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Офсет Мелованная Многокрасочная Гребенчатая 12:12 37х50 480 000


Philately : "Europe" program issues

Issue by program "Europe". Musical Instruments
Special cancellation marks:

Souvenir packs in cover:

Stamps on the program "Europe"

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