» » № 1693. “Europa” Program Issues. “The Postman van – Postal vehicles” stamp

№ 1693. “Europa” Program Issues. “The Postman van – Postal vehicles” stamp


[художник] – Beltyukov V.

The Russian Post is one of the oldest in Europe, it started in the 9th-10th centuries. The coachman driving was used to deliver written messages, then in the middle of the 18th century it was replaced by the pochtovaya troika. At first it was a tandem team, later – three horses in a row. Initially three horses (“troika”) were quite a rare case but after some time it gained the popularity and was used for express messengers. Among their advantages there were high speed, endurance, large capacity and good passability.

At the end of 18th and the beginning of the 19th centuries troika delivered not only mail and goods but also the passengers. It got the official status of postal, carrier and passenger transporter.

The stamp depicts the process of winter mail delivery in the 18th century: three horses (“troika”), a postman and the mail to deliver.

Способ печати Бумага Цвета Перфорация Формат Тираж
Офсет Мелованная Многокрасочная Гребенчатая 13½:13 ½ 65х32,5 480 000


Philately : "Europe" program issues

Europa” Stamp Issue is issued. “The Postman van – Postal vehicles
Special cancellation marks:
Europa Issue
Souvenir packs in cover:

Stamps on the program "Europe"

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