» » № 1713-1716. Arts and Crafts of Russia. Shawls

№ 1713-1716. Arts and Crafts of Russia. Shawls


[дизайнер] – Betredinova K.


Scarves and shawls of Baranovs’ Troitsko-Alexandrovsky manufactory can be traced back to 1846. The main space in the products is occupied by multicolored floral patterns. Red, being present in every element of the pattern, unites centerpiece, hem and background. Geometric and oriental (‘cucumber’) motifs are present on the scarves along with the floral patterns

Способ печати Бумага Цвета Перфорация Формат Тираж
Офсет Мелованная Многокрасочная Рамочная 11 ½ 50х50х70 200 000

№ 1714


Scarves and shawls always have played an important role in the diverse range of Tryokhgornaya manufactory.

Most products of Trekhgorny factory had a ‘classical’ arrangement of the ornament: a broad hem with lush flower garland, and a large middle part with rhythmically balanced bouquets or branches, creating a feeling of some static pattern. 

№ 1715



Orenburg shawl is a knitted shawl made of goat's fiber and base (cotton, silk or other).

There are several kinds of Orenburg shawls. The first is the grey (seldom white) thick down hair shawls. These shawls started the tradition of Orenburg down-hair knitting. The second is the quite dense kerchiefs and pautinkas. They are used for every day wear and they give similar warmth to shawls. The third kind of Orenburg shawls are very thin (compared with “spider web” pautinkas and tippets). As a rule thin pautinkas have fancy patterns and are used as decoration on special occasions.

№ 1716


Pavlovo-Posad products represent lush bouquets of garden and wild flowers in the corners of a shawl and garlands on its hem, as well as oriental ornaments imitating the Indian and Persian shawls. Moscow Oblast’ is also famous for its patterned silk fabrics and scarves.





Culture and art : Fine arts

Arts and crafts of Russia. Shawls
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