» » № 1464. Sochi - the capital of the XXII Olympic Winter Games 2014.

№ 1464. Sochi - the capital of the XXII Olympic Winter Games 2014.


[Design] – Shushlebina O.

Printing technique: offsetprint
Colour: multicolour
Chalk paper
Perforation in souvenir sheet: frame 12½ : 12
Size of stamp in souvenir sheet: 42х30 mm
Size of souvenir sheet: 90х60 mm
Circulation: 120 thousand souvenir sheets
Amount in souvenir sheet:  1 stamp

The Olympic Games are the largest and the most prestigious sporting event in the world, which is organized every four years.

The XXII Olympic Winter Games and the XI Paralympic Games 2014 will be held in Sochi. This will be the first time that the Russian Federation will host the Winter Olympics.

To get a right to host the Games is a high honor and great responsibility. Sochi won the right to host the Games at the 119th IOC Session in Guatemala City in 2007. Candidate cities who competed against the Black Sea resort for the right to host the Winter Games were Pyeongchang (South Korea), Salzburg (Austria), Almaty (Kazakhstan), Borjomi (Georgia), Sofia (Bulgaria), and Jaca (Spain).
The Olympic Games will be held from February 7 – 23, 2014. The Paralympic Games will be held from March 7 – 16, 2014.
The souvenir sheet depicts the official logo of the XXII Olympic Winter Games against the background of snow-covered slopes of Krasnaya Polyana and stylized torch with ribbons, painted in Olympic colors.

Размер Описание Тираж Цена чистых Цена гашеных
1464 42х30 эмблема XXII Олимпийских зимних игр на фоне заснеженных склонов гор Красной Поляны, а также стилизованный факел с лентами, окрашенными в олимпийские цвета
120000 25.00


Sports : Olympic Games

Sochi - the capital of the XXII Olympic Winter Games 2014.
Special cancellation marks:

Souvenir packs in cover:
XXII Olympic Winter Games in Sochi

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