» » № 1468. The 50th anniversary of the first human spaceflight.

№ 1468. The 50th anniversary of the first human spaceflight.


Artist – Moscovets A.

Printing technique: offsetprint
Colour: multicolour
Chalk paper
Perforation in souvenir sheet: frame 12 : 12½
Size of stamp in souvenir sheet: 30х42 mm
Size of souvenir sheet: 70х80 mm
Circulation: 130,6 thousand souvenir sheets
Amount in souvenir sheet:  1 stamp
Souvenir sheet is issued with the numbering from №000001 to №130600

In April, souvenir sheet of one stamp dedicated to the anniversary of the first human spaceflight is issued. On April 12, 1961, at 9:07 a.m. Moscow time, spacecraft "Vostok" with Yuri Gagarin on board was launched into Earth orbit from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. The flight lasted 108 minutes. During this time, "Vostok" made a circle around the Earth and landed in the Saratov Region, not far from Engels (city). After the flight, Yuri Gagarin was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, and the day of April 12 became the World Day of Aviation and Astronautics.
The stamp depicts a portrait of Yuri Gagarin, spaceship "Vostok" blasting off is represented on the fields of the souvenir sheet.

Размер Описание Тираж Цена чистых Цена гашеных
1468 30х42 портрет Ю.А. Гагарина, на полях блока – стартующий космический корабль «Восток»
130600 50.00

Industry, construction, agriculture, technology : Space

The 50th anniversary of the first human spaceflight.
Special cancellation marks:

Souvenir packs in cover:
The 50th anniversary of the first human spaceflight

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