» » № 1476-1479. Weapon of the Victory. Front aviation.

№ 1476-1479. Weapon of the Victory. Front aviation.


[Design] – Drobyshev A.

A great contribution to the victory of the Soviet people over the fascist Germany was made by the air force with the front aviation as its base to which the issue that continues the series “Weapon of the Victory” is dedicated in 2011.
The Front aviation along with other forces stroke distractive blows to the troops and equipment of the enemy. What made the victory in the Great Patriotic War possible was not only the skills, heroism and courage of the pilots but also the talent of the plane constructors, the selfless labor of the workers and engineers who created safe military planes in the most difficult conditions.
The stamps present the models of the planes that took part in the Great Patriotic War:
1.     The attack plane IL-2
2.     The dive bomber Pe-2
3.     The fighter La-5
4.     The fighter Yak-3. 


№ 1476

№ 1477

№ 1478

№ 1479


History : The Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) and World War Two
Industry, construction, agriculture, technology

Weapon of the Victory. Front aviation.
Special cancellation marks:


Postal cards:

Booklet "Weapon of the Victory. Front aviation".
Souvenir packs in cover:
Weapon of the Victory. Front aviation
Weapon of the Victory. Tanks
Weapon of the Victory. Aviation, small arms, armored vehicles, automotive vehicles.

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