» » № 100. The 500th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Russia and Denmark.

№ 100. The 500th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Russia and Denmark.


Illustrator – Artsymenev Y.

Stamps per sheet: 36 (6x6 stamps).
Paper - coated; manufacturing process - offset; perforation - comb 11½ x 12.

The diplomatic relations between Russia and Denmark are more than 500 years old. A peace treaty between these two countries was signed in 1493. They often stood up together against a common enemy. About a century and a half ago K.F.Titgen (the founder of the Northern Telegraph Company) connected Russia and Denmark with a telegraph cable going at the bottom of the Baltic sea. It improved the relations between the two countries. The satmp features the plan of the fiber-optic link between Copenhagen, Moscow and St Petersburg.

Face value Size Description Price, mint Price, used Quantity
90.00 31.3×24 The map of the Baltic Sea and a part of Europe.
90.00 18.00 1000000

Community of nations : International cooperation
Philately : Joint post stamp issues

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The 500th anniversary of the agreement between Russia and Denmark.

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