» » № 1379. The 50th anniversary of the Antarctic Treaty.

№ 1379. The 50th anniversary of the Antarctic Treaty.


[дизайнер] – Drobyshev A.

Способ печати: офсет+серебряная паста
Бумага мелованная
Цвета: многокрасочная
Перфорация: гребенчатая 12½:12
На листе 36 (6x6) марок

        In 2009 the Antarctic Treaty celebrates its 50th anniversary. The document came into force on December 1st, 1959 after its ratification by 12 countries - first members. The main purpose of the Treaty - to ensure the peaceful exploration of Antarctica to the benefit of the whole mankind; it provides the freedom of scientific researches and promotes international cooperation.

The stamp presents the attributes of Russian Antarctic investigations – cross-country vehicle "Kharkovchanka-2", weather balloon, solar battery, automatic weather station - on the background of the contours of the Antarctic Region and the flag of the Russian Federation .

Размер Описание Тираж Цена чистых Цена гашеных
1379 42х30 180000 15.00

History : Historical events and dates

The 50th anniversary of the Antarctic Treaty.
Special cancellation marks:
The 50th anniversary of the Antarctic Treaty.
The 50th anniversary of the Antarctic Treaty.

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