» » № 832-835. The History of Russia.

№ 832-835. The History of Russia.


Painter – Zaytsev L.

Stamps per sheets: 1 (1x1 stamps).
Paper - coated; manufacturing process - offset + steel engraving; perforation - comb 12.

Yaroslav the Wise (978-1054), the Great Prince of Kiev, a great politician and a son of the prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich. By some victories he managed to delouse the southern and western borders of Russia. Organized diplomatic ties with a lot of European countries. During this period Greek books were being translated into Russian, written language was spread and the oldest part of "Russian Pravda" (abridgement of law in Ancient Russia) apeared, the so-called "Yaroslav's Pravda".The stamp features the foundation of Yaroslavl and the illustration of strengthening of dynastic and international ties.

Face value Size Description Price, mint Price, used Quantity
8.00 65×32.5 Yaroslav the Wise (978-1054).
8.00 1.60 250000

№ 833

Vladimir Monomach (1053-1125), the son of Vsevolod Yaroslavich, the Great Prince of Kiev, Chernigov and Pereyaslavl. he struggled for the recovery of the unity of Russia. Vladimir Monomach was famous for his work "The Admonition", placed into "The Tale of Bygone Years" ("Povest Vremmenykh Let"). He also developed a statute limiting money-lenders' outrage. The stamp features the Prince entering Kiev for reign and delivery "The Admonition" to the children.

Face value Size Description Price, mint Price, used Quantity
8.00 65×32.5 Vladimir Monomach (1053-1125).
8.00 1.60 250000

№ 834

Daniel of Moscow (1261-1303), the son of Alexander Nevsky, the First Prince of Moscow. In 1302 after his nephew Ivan Dmitiyevich's death he began to govern in Pereyaslavl. He was the founder of the Moscow princes dynasty. The new territories he had attained caused the doubling in the population of his princedom and turned to be one of the factors of Moscow rising. He founded St Daniel monastery and the first archimandrite's diocese. Daniel of Moscow was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church. The stamp features prince Daniel marching off with his army and the founding of St. Daniel’s monastery.

Face value Size Description Price, mint Price, used Quantity
8.00 65×32.5 Daniel of Moscow (1261-1303).
8.00 1.60 250000

№ 835

Ivan the Red (1326-1359), son of Ivan I Kalita, the Great Prince of Moscow and Vladimir. In 1340-1353 the Prince of Zvenigorod and Ruza. He continued the unification of lands round Moscow. It is said in the chronicle that the great Orince was mild and calm, but it was better to be a servant of a Great Prince than to serve in a spesific princedom, that is why Moscow boyare were devoted even to weak prince. The stamp features the ceremony of inauguration in the Uspensky (Dormition) Cathedral in Vladimir and the proscription of the ambassador of the Golden Horde “Cruel” Alachi.

Face value Size Description Price, mint Price, used Quantity
8.00 65×32.5 Ivan the Red (1326-1359).
8.00 1.60 250000

History : The great names of history

The History of Russia.
The History of Russia.
The History of Russia. Reforms of Peter the Great.
History of Russian State. Orders of Russia.
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History of Russian State. Orders of Russia.
The History of Russia. Alexander I (1777-1825).
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The history of Russia. The 275th birth anniversary of Empress Catherine II.
The 275th birth anniversary of A.V.Suvorov (1730-1800), commander.
History of Russian State. Emperor Alexander II (1811-1881).
History of Russian State. Emperor Alexander II (1811-1881).
The history of the Russian State. Alexander the 3d (1845-1894), the emperor.
The history of the Russian State. Alexander the 3d (1845-1894), the emperor.
The History of Russia.
Special cancellation marks:
The History of Russia.

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