» » № 681-684. National emblems of the Russian Federation.

№ 681-684. National emblems of the Russian Federation.


Painter – Moscovets A.

Stamps per sheet: 18 (2x3 se-tenants of 3x1 stamps).
Paper - coated; manufacturing process - offset + embossed printing; perforation - comb 13½.
Se-tenant print quantity - 500000.

681 683 682

Face value Size Description Price, mint Price, used
681 2.50 37.5×51 The National flag of the Russian Federation. multicolor 2.50 5.00
683 5.00 37.5×51 The National emblem of the Russian Federation. multicolor 5.00 0.00
682 2.50 37.5×51 The National anthem of the Russian Federation. multicolor 2.50 0.00

Souvenir sheet

Paper - coated; manufacturing process - offset + embossed printing + gold foil; perforation - frame 13½; souvenir sheet size 150×100 mm; multicolor.
The margins of the souvenir sheet are rimmed by the foliage and ancient emblems. There is a text on the block: "National emblems of the Russian Federation". >>
Souvenier sheet print quantity - 100000.

681A 684 682A

The margins of the souvenir sheet are rimmed by the foliage and ancient emblems. There is a text on the block: "National emblems of the Russian Federation".

Face value Size Description Price, mint Price, used
684 100.00 37.5×51 The National emblem of the Russian Federation. multicolor 100.00 0.00

State and Power : State symbols. Armory

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Booklet "National emblems of the Russian Federation".

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