Painter – Rakov G.
Stamps per sheets: 50 (10x5 stamps).
Paper - coated; manufacturing process - offset; perforation - comb 12½ x 12.
Japanese quince (Chaenomeles japonica Lindl). A rosaceous shrubbery. Originates from Japan. The blossoms are big, orange-red, sometimes pink. Blows in May, before trees come into leaf. There can be up to 40 blossoms on a sprig. The blossoming period is 25-30 days.
Face value | Size | Description | Price, mint | Price, used | Quantity |
500.00 | 26×37 | Japanese quince (Chaenomeles japonica Lindl). multicolor |
500.00 | 100.00 | 350000 |
№ 334
Trilobate almond (Amygdalus triloba Ricker). A rosaceous shrubbery. Originates from China. Its pink-red blossoms explode in early spring. Blooms heavily. The plant is covered with small roses. The blossoming period is more than 12 days.
Face value | Size | Description | Price, mint | Price, used | Quantity |
500.00 | 26×37 | Trilobate almond (Amygdalus triloba Ricker). multicolor |
500.00 | 100.00 | 350000 |
№ 335
Coronal broom (Cytisus scoparius L.). A leguminous shrubbery. The blossoms are yellow, white, sometimes purple, in long axillary clusters or in terminal heads. The heavy blossoming period is up to 30 days.
Face value | Size | Description | Price, mint | Price, used | Quantity |
1,000.00 | 26×37 | Coronal broom (Cytisus scoparius L.). multicolor |
1,000.00 | 200.00 | 350000 |
№ 336
Rose (Rosa pimpinellifolia L.). A rosaceous shrubbery. Blows in early spring, blows heavily more than 30 days. There are some varieties with double creamy-white and yellow blossoms.
Face value | Size | Description | Price, mint | Price, used | Quantity |
1,000.00 | 26×37 | Rose (Rosa pimpinellifolia L.). multicolor |
1,000.00 | 200.00 | 350000 |
№ 337
Coronal syringa (Philadelphus coronaries L.). Hydrangea family shrubbery. The blossoms are creamy-white, fragrant, with 5-9 blossoms in gangliform inflorescences. The blossoming period is 20-22 days.
Face value | Size | Description | Price, mint | Price, used | Quantity |
1,000.00 | 26×37 | Coronal syringa (Philadelphus coronaries L.). multicolor |
1,000.00 | 200.00 | 350000 |
Nature : Flora
no data