» » № 2206-2207. Heroes of the Russian Federation. Continuation of the Series

№ 2206-2207. Heroes of the Russian Federation. Continuation of the Series


[Художник-дизайнер] – Drobyshev A.

[Художник-дизайнер] – Komsa R.

Sergey Ashikhmin (1977–2012)


Maj. Sergey Anatolyevich Ashikhmin (1977–2012) was a serviceman of the FSB Special Purpose Center. A title of the Hero of the Russian Federation was awarded (posthumously) for courage and heroism shown while fulfilling military duty.

Printing method Paper Color Perforation Format Circulation
Offset + Security Complex Coated Multicolor Comb 12½:12 42х30 145000

№ 2207

Vadim Yermakov (1972–1996)


Pvt. Vadim Konstantinovich Yermakov (1972–1996) was a gunner of the military unit 3724 of the North-Caucasus District of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. A title of the Hero of the Russian Federation was awarded (posthumously) for courage and heroism shown during a special operation.


Heroes of the Russian Federation



Формат марочного листа Количество Тираж
104х110 листы с оформленными полями (2×3) из 5 марок и купона 29000


Heroes of the Russian Federation. Continuation of the Series
Special cancellation marks:
Heroes of the Russian Federation. Continuation of the series. Moscow
Heroes of the Russian Federation. Continuation of the Series. Vladikavkaz

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25-01-2018, 20:24 1 154 0
